Tuesday, February 2, 2010

No 'excellent' or 'very good' coffee

Tue Feb 2, 6:14 am ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) – After tasting 37 different blended coffees, Consumer Reports couldn't find one that measured up to its "excellent" or "very good" ratings, the publication said Tuesday.

The highest score for the 13 decaffeinated coffees also failed to reach the top two categories. The better scoring varieties included Allegro Organic Decaf, Blend Medium Dark, Peet's Decaf House Blend, Caribou Daybreak Coffee Morning Blend Decaf and Bucks County Decaf Breakfast blend.
We hand-make many different varieties of Coffee soaps. We use ingredients such as
Brazilian Coffee,Hawaii Kona Coffee and African Coffee to making ours handmade Soaps

Packed with freshly ground brazilian espresso coffee and cocoa butter ,it wont disappoint any coffee lover or anyone who can appreciate the aroma of a fresh brewed exotic coffee. Brazilian coffee grinds absorb garlic and onion smell off your fingers, A must in the kitchen and shower
Also Pure Kona Coffee Soap to me that 2 combinations are best on cosmetics
Hawaiian Kona coffee and a blend of wonderful oils makes this soap not only alluring on your nose but great for your skin. We use a base of olive oil along with coconut, vegetable, sesame, avocado, macadamia nut , kukui nut oils, all great for your skin. We didn't stop there, for more amazing lather and a scent of morning in Hawaii we added hazelnut oil and Shea butter with a touch of pearberry and cinnamon. Since ground coffee is a natural exfoliate and helps move away dead skin cells it also makes a great exfoliator. This soap is wonderful for all skin types.

1 comment:

The cold process method is ideal for preserving the benefits of plant-derived oils and butter.

  “Each of these cold process soaps brings its unique properties, making them an excellent choice for skin-nourishing and moisturizing. Have...