Monday, October 1, 2018

Google October Handmade Soap !

Handmade soaps. Made with organic ingredients, and lots of love! ❤️

Google searched for: October soap! Natural Handcrafted Soap  is the home of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind natural products and gifts related to your search. 
Great for all skin types, almond oil is created by the pressing of almond nuts. This oil is used to help relieve dry, itchy skin.
Brazilian Almond, in the form of topical solutions, is an excellent treatment for dry, flaky skin. Well-moisturized skin prevents premature aging. Great for all skin types, almond oil is created by the pressing of almond nuts.

Google October Handmade Soap Almond Hazelnut 


October –Best Selling Handmade Soap

With so many choices, how do you decide which soaps to try first? Perhaps this will help. We  created this   PAGE that shows our  best selling soap — week based on an analysis of sales . This is from first week of October  .  These are the soaps  that consistently outsell   through our website  and amazon..When you select these natural soap varieties, you can be confident that they have been enjoyed by hundreds of other people …
Coffee Soaps - Months of October Handmade Soap -Coffee is what all the buzz is about! Caffeinated soap is a great way to get a boost in the morning when 
there is no time for morning coffee. Coffee Soap contains powerful anti-oxidant agents, protecting the skin against harmful bacteria. Coffee tightens pores and removes dead skin cells, making the skin looking younger. It also anti-wrinkle. Brazilian coffee grinds absorb garlic and onion and fish smell off your fingers, we recommended this soap as a hand and body soap. In other words, coffee isn’t just for drinking anymore. 
October Soaps -Coffee Soap -Kona Coffee and Brazilian Espresso

October soap. In Spirit of Nature lists the most precious ingredients of a precious herb garden, natural radiance by a healthy skin.

Aged Artisan Soap with Rose Clay and Dead Sea Mud from Israel - Shea Butter and Lavender Butter 7+ oz 


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The cold process method is ideal for preserving the benefits of plant-derived oils and butter.

  “Each of these cold process soaps brings its unique properties, making them an excellent choice for skin-nourishing and moisturizing. Have...